In the year 1974, an educational institution by the name Little Angels’ Nursery school was started in a small way by late Mr.Livingstone A .Isaac . Later, this school blossomed into a full – fledged co – education institution – Christian Matriculation Higher Secondary School managed by Helen’s Educational society. This was made possible by the hard work, sincerity and loyalty of the Founder and above all by the Grace of The Almighty. The Principal and correspondent of the school is Dr. R . Daphne Winston.
Christian Nursery and Primary School comprises of classed from LKG to Std V. Christian Matriculation Hr. Sec. School comprises of classes from Std. VI to Std. XII.
Within the board framework of the school curriculum, a multi – dimensional approach makes the learning process effective and enjoyable.
The Kindergarten level is child – centered and activity – based. The children are encouraged to hear, see and learn through the play – way method. This makes learning an enjoyable experience and provides a strong foundation for further development. Progress is evaluated through a continuous assessment programme.
Common syllabus prescribed by the Tamil Nadu state Board of Education is followed from Std. I to Std. XII.
Interactive smart class program has been incorporated within the institution with the sole purpose of enriching Teaching – Learning experience . The mind boggling visual modules help the students to comprehend the basic concepts with ease and to keep in pace with the latest in Digital Technology in the field of Education.
Students from Std. I to Std. IX are evaluated based on the Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation( CCE )Pattern. CCE refers to a system of school based evaluation that covers all accepts of student development by means of continuous assessment and term-end examination.
At the high school and higher secondary level, academics are more exam – oriented. This prepares the students to face the board examinations with confidence.
Aims and Objectives : We firmly believe that the education of the young helps to create a better human society. Thus the school seeks to impact sound education leading to spiritual, intellectual, physical, social and emotional development of the child.
Motto : Our school Motto is “Serve with Love”.
Education forms an integral part of the curriculum, with the emphasis on the development of life skills. It helps the students to imbibe values and participles which will help them grow into effective and loving human beings. Children who learn together, learn to live together.